1. FAQ
How to join SEPNZ?

All Physiotherapy New Zealand members are entitled to join Sports & Exercise Physiotherapy New Zealand. The membership year runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31st. Subs are $80 including GST. Student members of PNZ can join for free.

PNZ collects our subscriptions for us. You can pay your sub when you join PNZ or renew your PNZ membership.

To join
– Go to the PNZ member’s website http://www.pnz.org.nz
– Log on
– On the right hand side of the page you should see a coulum titled My SIGS.
– At the bottom of this there is a link  “buy a subscription”
– Click on this then follow the instructions

Can I advertise with you?

SEPNZ is a special interest group of Physiotherapy New Zealand with approximately 900 members who have a interest in sport and sports physiotherapy / sports medicine.

For those wishing to advertise products or services that are relevant to this group please download the enclosed guidelines and pricing structure.

Clinic vacancies should be restricted to 250 words in length.

SEPNZ-Advertising-Terms-and-Conditions (PDF document)

Advertising Deadlines:

Adverts should reach us by the 20th day of the following months (for publication by the 20th of the following month):

  • January (Feb publication)
  • March (April publication)
  • May (June publication)
  • July (August publication)
  • September (October publication)
  • November (December publication)
Why am I not receiving any correspondence?

Correspondence including you bimonthly newsletters are sent to the email address you have registered with Physiotherapy New Zealand.

If you have changed you email address you need to first contact PNZ and change your address. this can be via their website under the Member Dashboard. Membership lists get updated monthly so there may be a slight delay before SPNZ receives the update.

If your email address has not been changed contact the secretary for further information.