SEPNZ Certificate Courses
SEPNZ Sports Physiotherapy Certificate Courses
Please clink on the course titles for more information
Sideline Management
A course for physiotherapists who work with individual athletes, or on the sideline at sports games or events who want to up skill in the areas of pre-game preparation, first aid, acute injury assessment and management, indications for radiology referral and post-event recovery strategies.
29 + 30 March 2025 at AUT Millennium, Auckland
Promotion and Prescription of Physical Activity and Exercise
Physical inactivity is responsible for the growing epidemic of obesity and obesity-related health conditions. Physiotherapists play a critical role in promoting and prescribing physical activity in all age groups and are ideally placed to prescribe exercise for those with chronic health conditions and to those wanting to return to recreational activity or sport following injury
Estimated for August 2025
Immediate Care and Sports Trauma Management
A course for physiotherapists who work on the sideline at sports games or events who want to up skill and learn about more advanced emergency and life saving skills.
14 March (AUT Millennium, Rosedale) and 17 October (AUT South Campus, Manukau) 2025
Injury Prevention and Performance Enhancement
This course will provide you with the key skills used in the enhancement of sporting performance and prevention of injury. It covers the analysis of physical, biomechanical and technical needs of sport, identifying key factors affecting performance and injury prevention. You will learn how to assess athletes and implement an individualised programme designed to optimise movement efficiency, performance and minimise injury risk. You will learn how to develop a sport–‐specific screening assessment, how to monitor injury rates and target injury prevention strategies within different sporting contexts.
1 March 2025 at AUT North Campus
The Sporting Lower Limb
This course will provide you with advanced skills in the assessment and rehabilitation of sporting injuries involving the lower limb. It covers pathomechanics, diagnostic imaging, initial management, rehabilitation progressions and key considerations for return to training and sport. Topics covered will include posterior thigh pain and hamstring rehabilitation; the sporting knee, advanced rehabilitation after knee surgery; achilles tendinopathy and calf strains; common sporting injuries of the ankle and foot and management of the difficult ankle.
Estimated for May 2025
The Sporting Spine, Pelvis and Hip
This course will provide you with advanced skills in the assessment and rehabilitation of sporting injuries involving the spine, pelvis and hip. It covers normal mechanics and pathomechanics, diagnostic imaging, management, rehabilitation progressions and key considerations for return to training and sport. Topics covered will include the neck and thoracic pain in sport; the sporting spine and lumbar loading, training of the trunk musculature in athletes, the sporting hip and sports-related groin injuries.
Completed for 2024
The Sporting Upper Limb
This course will provide you with advanced skills in the assessment and rehabilitation of sporting injuries involving the upper limb. It covers pathomechanics, diagnostic imaging, initial management, rehabilitation progressions and key considerations for return to training and sport. Topics covered will include subacromial pain (e.g. swimmers shoulder); internal rotation deficits and micro‐instability (e.g. throwing/ racquet sports); dislocations/labral tears/fractures (e.g. contact sports) multi‐directional instability; common extensor tendinopathy in sport and common wrist injuries in sport.
Estimated for June 2025
Contact to be notified when the course registration opens.

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