What is Sports & Exercise Physiotherapy?
Sports & exercise physiotherapists work within codes of professional and ethical practice. Sports & exercise physiotherapists engage in ongoing continuing professional education, and in New Zealand, Advanced Practitioners in Sports and Orthopaedic Physiotherapy have been identified who have undertaken more advanced training and professional development in this area.
What do Sports & Exercise Physiotherapists do?
Sports & exercise physiotherapists work in a variety of settings. Many work with active recreational “athletes”, social and club level sport in the clinic setting, and may attend training sessions. Sports & exercise physiotherapists with advanced knowledge and skills also work with more elite athletes, working and travelling with individuals or sports teams, integrating their services with other medical professionals, coaches, strength and conditioning personnel and other support staff . Within professional sport, many sports & exercise physiotherapists also work within sporting organisations to coordinate physiotherapy, injury prevention, rehabilitation and injury surveillance programmes.
What is Sports & Exercise Physiotherapy New Zealand?
Sports & Exercise Physiotherapy New Zealand is a Special Interest Group of Physiotherapy New Zealand. SEPNZ is also a member of the International Federation of Sports Physical Therapy (IFSPT). The IFSPT is a recognised sub-group of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT), and is the worldwide federation representing national organisations of sports physiotherapy.
Sports & Exercise Physiotherapy New Zealand consists of an Executive Committee responsible for the administration, direction and activities of the group. There are also a number of sub-committees responsible for development of continuing education programmes, SEPNZ awards, and organisation of our biennial Sports & Exercise Physiotherapy Symposium. Currently SEPNZ has over 1000 members.

What do we do?
SEPNZ develops and delivers continuing education programmes for its members addressing advanced sports physiotherapy competencies and standards of practice.
SEPNZ also promotes excellence in education, research, clinical practice and specialisation in the area of orthopaedic and sports physiotherapy.
SEPNZ is also developing resources for use by the public that will include basic injury prevention and management information. These resources will be freely available, and are intended for use by anyone in participation, coaching, refereeing, providing sideline support or involved in administrative positions at all levels of sport.