Sideline Management
SEPNZ Sideline Management Course
A course for physiotherapists who work with individual athletes, or on the sideline at sports games or events who want to upskill in the areas of pre-game preparation, first aid, acute injury assessment and management, indications for radiology referral and post-event recovery strategies.
Learning objectives
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Ethics and Professional Practice
Differentiate between roles and responsibilities of other professionals, both nationally and internationally
Deliver safe services that operate within all national and professional rules and regulations and recognise the client’s rights
Work effectively with other members of the multidisciplinary team with full awareness of their roles and responsibilities
Identify legal issues, national and international professional standards relevant to sports physiotherapy and service delivery, including risk assessment procedures and health and safety regulations
Adapt strategies to protect the athlete’s right to privacy and confidentiality, for use in a variety of unpredictable settings.
Understand ACC regulations for covering services.
Understand and apply Sports Physiotherapy Code of Conduct.
- Pre-event Preparation and Recovery
Develop appropriate intervention strategies to reduce the athlete’s risk of injury, such as muscle stretching, protective taping/strapping.
Use taping in an evidence-based strategy targeted at different treatment aims, such as to promote rest, protection and facilitation of healing
Provide effective advice and encouragement to promote safe and healthy participation in physical activity, exercise and sport
Identify available intervention strategies to minimise sport-specific injury risks in different sporting contexts, for example, safety equipment, taping, specific advice such as pacing
Advise the athlete and other professionals regarding safe and evidence-based use of equipment and training strategies
- Immediate Care
Prepare for different contexts by ensuring that all equipment or supplies that may be required are available for use in the event of acute injury or illness in the clinic and at the training or competition site.
Establish local processes for communication and procedures for potential to transfer injured or ill athletes to medical facilities
Describe current best practice in relation to blood hygiene, blood-borne pathogens and health and safety practices and regulations
Act appropriately and safely on entry to the field in the event of injury or illness, observing any regulations or procedures
Appropriately apply immobilisation and support techniques, using current evidence based techniques and equipment, for example, splinting, wrapping, taping, bandaging
Synthesise information to formulate an initial diagnoses of the type and severity of injury or illness, as applied to musculoskeletal injuries including neurological trauma.
Define individual and sport-specific return-to-play criteria on the field
Recognise and act on indications for urgent or non-urgent referral of an athlete for further investigations or intervention by other members of the multidisciplinary team(for example, MRI, ultrasound imaging, X-ray, surgery)
- Fair Play & Anti-Doping
Specify current laws and regulations relating to doping including:
- The rights and responsibilities of the athlete and sports physiotherapist
- Doping procedures
Know where to source updated knowledge in relation to sporting and anti-doping rules and regulations:
- Prohibited List of the World Anti-Doping Agency
- Awareness of planned testing procedures and random testing
Maintain a duty of care to the athlete that incorporates:
- Awareness and evaluation of the pressures on an athlete and other professionals
- An attitude of responsibility to the athlete for not administering or recommending any prohibited substance either intentionally or naively.
Effectively advise and educate athletes and other professionals in relation to safe and ethical sporting participation including the promotion of national and local anti-doping practices
Be a competent partner for the athlete in the anti-doping process, for example, through participation in testing, chaperoning and administrative procedures.
Reflect on the effects of advice and education provided in relation to safe and ethical sporting practices, and modify communication strategies where appropriate.
The course will be presented by numerous experts in the field of sports medicine including Dr Deb Robinson (Sports Medicine Physician) Former All Blacks doctor, and Canterbury Crusaders doctor, Kim Simperingham, Justin Lopes, Jane Probert.
Course Content
Ethics and professional practice including:
Professional standards
SPNZ code of conduct
Standing orders
Pre-event preparation and recovery, including:
Strapping (practical session)
Anti-doping, including:
WADA code/regulations
Banned substances
Immediate care and referral, including:
Sports first-aid
On field assessment and return to play
Basic splinting for hand and finger injuries
Case studies and practical applications
Date: 29 + 30 March 2025 at AUT Millennium, Auckland
Complete online registration