Immediate Care and Sports Trauma Management Course
SEPNZ Immediate Care and Sports Trauma Management
14 March and 17 October 2025
Learning objectives
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Discuss what is required to prepare for different contexts (clinic, training, competition site by ensuring that all equipment or supplies that may be required are available for use in the event of acute injury or illness.
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of other professionals and the multidisciplinary approach to planning, coordination and intervention.
- Understand what is required to establish local processes and procedures for potential transfer of injured or ill athletes to medical facilities, including appropriate communication.
- Describe current good practice in relation to blood hygiene, blood-borne pathogens, and health and safety practices and regulations.
- Demonstrate competency in the ability to start life support in response to sudden death and understand the specific qualifications relating to cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first responder skills in New Zealand.
- Discuss the impact of environmental conditions on normal body functions and performance including temperature and altitude changes.
- Understand the pathophysiological basis for, and accurately describe the associated symptoms and signs of different forms of acute sports injury and illness.
- Demonstrate a high level of acute evaluation and assessment of the athlete, including rapid recognition of symptoms and signs, and application of the most appropriate tests or evaluation techniques in response to injury and illness.
- Rapidly synthesise information to formulate an initial diagnosis of the type, severity and classification of injury or illness in different sporting contexts.
- Rapidly integrate information to formulate an appropriate individualised action plan, based on the assessment, initial diagnosis, and likely prognosis.
- Appropriately apply immobilisation and support using current evidence based techniques and equipment.
- Communicate appropriately with the athlete, other professionals, personnel and significant others regarding further participation or clinical findings and the need for further medical attention.
- Educate and advise the athlete and other individuals regarding signs and symptoms that indicate risk of deterioration if further medical attention is not immediately recommended.
- Recognise signs and perform tests necessary for continued monitoring of the athlete’s condition, whether in transfer for further medical attention, recuperation, or return to play.
Course Content
The course includes the following content:
Emergency life support of the collapsed victim including:
Rapid primary survey
Best practice management of cardiac arrest
Use of AED
Assesment and management of spinal injuries
Disease transmission
Management of anaphylaxis
Assessment and treatment of specific medical emergencies including:
Airway assessment and support
Assessment and stabilisation of the following serious injuries:
Head injury
Long bone fractures including neurovascular compromise
Facial injury
Internal injuries
Eye injuries
Common Dislocations
Emergency transport/transfer and communication with other healthcare providers
14 March (AUT Millennium, Rosedale) and
17 October (AUT South Campus, Manukau) 2025
Location: Auckland
SEPNZ Members $550
PNZ Members $640
Non members $775
Cost includes morning and afternoon tea, lunch on both days and course manual.

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Immediate care and sports trauma
management course
Online registration via Physiotherapy New Zealand