Will you be providing first-aid care to athletes in a non-elite setting?This guidance (in pdf format at the end of the document) defines and rationalises emergency and first aid care during the current time of heightened awareness of contracting and transmitting...
Sport delivers more than just benefits to our physical health. With COVID-19 having decimated any notion of ‘normality’ within local communities, the contribution of sport to community identity is potentially more important than ever, providing a focal...
A proposal to guide in “terra incognita”How can elite athletes and para-athletes (hereafter referred as “athletes”) manage the return to performance by minimizing injury risk after this lockdown period due to Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)...
COVID-19 and sport With risk of cardiological, renal, respiratory and haematological complications,1–5 it is best practice to follow steady resumption of training, paying attention to physical and psychological factors after COVID-19 infection.Scope of this...
COVID-19 is the infection caused by the Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, first identified in humans in December 2019 and declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation in March 2020.Here we guide pitch side emergency care during the current time of...